Since 1932, American
Sanitary Partition Corporation is the accepted standard among many architects
and contractors across the nation. Along with toilet compartments, we also
produce complete lines of shower cabinets. American Sanitary's partitions
provide the comfort and convenience that are important with today's fast-paced
lifestyle. With our many years of experience in the toilet partition industry,
our products offer more advantages and beauty than any other materials used to
date. Our design is developed from our metal partition line, incorporating all
of the features required to produce a sound, rigid and lasting installation. The
partitions are available in a wide variety of appealing colors and patterns, and
will delight the architect and decorator with their beauty and durability. All
models are available in Powder Coated Baked Enamel finish on Galvanized Bonderized
Steel, Stainless Steel, High Pressure Decorative Laminated Plastic, Phenolic Core
and Solid Plastic.

300 Enterprise Street PO Box 99
Ocoee, FL 34761 PH:(407) 656-0611 F:(407) 656-8189 Email: AMERSAN@AOL.COM